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What Happens To Your Body If You Cycle Every Day For 30 Days

May 08, 2024

This guy did it. Check out how it all went down.

What happens to your body if you cycle every day for 30 days? Well, a guy did it and the results you can see below.

There are many fitness challenges that a person can try that sometimes you want to know what could be the results before attempting them. Of course, we know the fun is in the process and the path, but a glimpse of the benefits wouldn’t hurt, right?

So if you want to know what happens to your body if you cycle every day for 30 days, why not check out with someone who has done exactly that? Then look no further than Sven Vee. He has a YouTube channel in which he shared a fitness challenge cycling for 30 days and the before and after it all happened.

Check it out.

The goals at the beginning of the fitness challenge of cycling every day for 30 days was simply to get in better shape and lose body fat.

Sven did not change his diet during the 30-day challenge to “isolate the effects of the cycling as much as possible because I want to see what the effects are for just cycling.”

His goal was to cycle 2,000 kilometres – more or less the distance between Berlin to Madrid or New York to Miami.

Although many people would have a target of a set distance every day, Sven took it slow and started cycling as much as he wanted, without focusing too much on finishing a specific number on the bike each day.

One of the hardest parts of this cycling challenge, according to Sven, is not only the physical part but the monotony. So you can do something while cycling, such as watching a movie or series, learning a new language, listening to music, or listening to a podcast or audiobook.

He cycled in the first week 495 kilometres, then 540 kilometres, 550 kilometres and in the fourth week a total of 565 kilometres. He already completed his 2000-kilometre goal, so he pushed further.

Click on the video below to see his entire journey.

In the end, he cycled about 65 hours, a total of 2500 kilometres, an average of 2 hours and 10 minutes every day.

However, he lost only 3 kilograms (about 6.6 pounds) of weight, but his body fat percentage dropped 2%, which is huge, considering he did not change his eating habits.

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Cycling is considered a great fitness exercise for several reasons:

Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

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